MIA - Runway 12-30 Rehabilitation Project
The Pavement Rehabilitation project involves Miami International Airport’s (MIA) Runway 12-30 and Taxiways P, Q & R, including the upgrading of all associated utilities, marking and center-line, edge and holdbar lighting. The construction scope of work consists of milling one inch of existing deteriorated flexible pavement and overlaying the same with three inches of new flexible asphalt with grooves, overlay of existing shoulders with isolated areas for full depth repair as needed, replacements of in-pavement center-line fixtures, elevated-edge lighting fixture, and restoration of existing pavement marking and grooving. The Runway 12-30 and Taxiways rehabilitation will provide the required reliability and safety for a primary runway at MIA, mitigate recurring pavement maintenance issues, and reduce associated operational impact closures.
Comprised of:
Large scale project at $48 million project with a scheduled of 528 calendar days. The notice to proceed date was November 18, 2013 and the anticipated completion date is April 29, 2015.
The Project Scope of Work Includes:
Construction management services
Construction Coordination
Constructability Reviews
Change Order Evaluations
Request for Information
Schedule Reviews and Evaluations
Processing and Review of Shop Drawings
Construction Progress Evaluation and Reporting
Periodic Field Inspections
Pay Item Requests
As-built Drawing Preparation
Construction Close-out Administrative Services